Newsletter  |  Winter 2013
Vol. 17, Issue No. 1

In January AI Justice hosted a delegation from the Texas Access to Justice Foundation.  Foundation Board Member and former Texas Supreme Court Justice Deborah Hankinson, along with Foundation Executive Director Betty Balli Torres  and Associate Director and Director of Grants Jonathan W. Vickery, flew to Miami just to meet with AI Justice staff.

The delegation sought AI Justice’s insights and expertise on the key issues involved in creating and maintaining a program that offers both critical legal services to those without recourse to representation and advocacy work to create systemic change.

While researching possible models that could be replicated in Texas, “AI Justice surfaced to the top as people we really needed to see,” said Betty Balli Torres.  AI Justice was gratified to be of assistance to the Foundation, whose vision of equal justice for all forms the core of AI Justice’s mission.

Pictured: Rev. Priscilla Felisky Whitehead, Franco Torres, Betty Balli Torres, Cheryl Little, Honorable Deborah Hankinson, Jonathan W. Vickery and Susana Barciela